Community. It’s what I miss. It’s what I need.
The P.A.D. is a space, a virtual notepad, where I am able to express and experiment with ideas around how policy, art, and design can be used as tools for our liberation. I continue to do work in all those spheres, and ones in between. Just like my professional journey, my thoughts and desires are birthed through the lens of intersectionality and fluidity. I live and thrive in a world where people are free to evolve and change their minds. Where folks can show up as themselves, in all of the ways they do or don’t identify. It’s like water, baby! Let’s ride this wave out together.
Is that an actual sanitary napkin you see in the logo?…well, yes, yes it is. I know you’re not afraid of a little menstruation. While this ode to womxnhood may be too literal for some, The P.A.D. is a place where the struggles and joys of my experiences as a Black womxn and mother are deep-rooted. It’s inherent in the way I see the world and my place in it. It’s what drives my love for all people and my dreams to see us get free!
Lastly, I believe deeply in creating personal archives. The P.A.D. selfishly serves as a living archive for my loved ones, especially my baby. Life is fleeting. Compared to the length of infinity, we are only here for a finite series of moments; moments that can be explosive and marvelous. Moments that are painful and gruesome. Moments that all come together to make me who I am. I often think of my mortality, especially when it comes to my child. My deepest desire on this journey with my baby is for us to truly know one another. When I am no longer here on this earthly plane, August can always come here to hear his mama’s voice.
What to Expect
Here, you may find a blog-like post. A poem. A photograph. A collage. An interview. A zine. There is no rhyme or reason other than freedom of expression. If you are here, thank you for engaging with me.